Total Net Shield v2.08
Total Net Shield v2.08 is no longer available. Support for v2.08 ended August 31, 2010. The Total Net Shield Email account will be discontinued 4/29/2011.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I configure Total Net Shield to go through my browsers, news server, Instant Messenger and create my Total Net Shield email account?
Please run the Configuration Wizard. For further detail and manual configuration please visit our Support pages.
I received a pop up to verify my Host Key. How can I verify it is the correct key?
Please visit our Support page to verify the key.
How can I show my real IP address?
You can either click on Running in Secure Mode or run the Configuration Wizard and select Restore Settings for the browser you would like to show your real IP address.
I configured the Total Net Shield email address for the first time, why do I get an error when I attempt to send an email?
This occurs because the email account is not active until an email is sent to it. Please send yourself a test message to [email protected] from ‘another’ personal email account. If you are still having problems, please call us at 1-888-270-0141 or 1-858-866-1399 for assistance Monday through Friday or Email Support.
How do I know my Total Net Shield is encrypting my traffic and changing my IP address?
Please ensure that you are in Secure Mode and logged on to Total Net Shield. This can be verified by an IP checking Web site, such as . If you are being secured by Total Net Shield the IP address shown will match the Name Address.
What is ChannelerInst.exe?
This is the installation file for Total Net Shield 2.08.
My IP address does not match the IP address given in the browser configuration Support pages.
The Total Net Shield IP address changes daily. The IP address given in the screen shot is one IP address that was used by Total Net Shield. The IP address will always geolocate to the United States. The location will change periodically.
Why do I see a Page Cannot be Displayed message when I open my browser?
Please ensure that you are logged on to Total Net Shield. Click Here for detailed information.
What is the difference between and localhost? When should I use one rather than the other?
The two terms are interchangeable. The term localhost is a designation meaning this computer. is the loopback IP address also indicating this computer. The Configuration Wizard will populate in the browsers and the manual configuration uses localhost. Either configuration is correct.
My IP address does not change in my AOL browser or show up in the Configuration Wizard.
AOL does not accept proxies. If you use this browser please only visit trusted sites that you are comfortable visiting without encryption or anonymity.
The Configuration Wizard will not configure my AIM.
AOL does not accept proxies. This applies to both the Instant Messenger and the browser.
The Configuration Wizard will not configure my Windows Messenger.
Windows Messenger is configured when you secure the Internet Explorer browser.
How do I configure my browser, news reader, or email client that does not appear in the Configuration Wizard?
Please contact Support by calling 1-888-270-0141 or 1-858-866-1399 for assistance Monday through Friday 7:30am-5pm PST or Email Support.
Why am I unable to access the Total Net Shield Anonymizer Newsgroup?
The Anonymizer Total Net Shield Newsgroup is no longer available. If you have another newsgroup configured to go through the Total Net Shield servers the information will continue to be anonymous and encrypted.
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